War Thunder – 2020 Custom DS4 PS4 XBOX Controls for Air AB/RB

hey everyone welcome back to the channeltoday's video I'm going to be going over my latest custom controls I'm using to play war thunder on the PlayStation 4
controller and how it's all sets up inthe menu screens the last video I did on this was around June last year and I justmade so many changes to the controls since then so I just wanted to updateeverybody on what I'm now running for 2020 there will be a follow up tutorialto this video on how to use these controls in depth for now I just want toget this video up for you guys because I know a lot of you have been patientlywaiting for this one for a while but before we get into the video just a fewthings I want to mention here to kind of clear up so firstly I just want to pointout these controls are going to be focused on air realistic and tankrealistic using Mouse aim on the controller the controls will work finein arcade so tank arcade and air arcade but if you happen to be a simplayer watching this these controls are not going to be for you and for anybodywondering I do play with just the PlayStation 4 controller as of January2020 I'm using back paddles so I just picked some of those up honestly theydon't add a whole lot of experience to war thunder but if you're kinda of on thefence about getting some of these paddles I would say go for it they do help a lot Imay even do a video on the paddles that I picked up because they are somewhatunique in that they have four paddles instead of the usual two you get sothat's possibly a future video also I do have a wireless keyboard in front of meseveral of you we're asking about that in the chat I only do use it for theactual chatting game and the rare occasion I'm flying out bombers Iactually have it set so far my bombs and the drop series things like thatotherwise I'm just playing on a normal PlayStation 4 controller additionally Ijust want to say I won't be covering boats or helicopters in this controls videoand I know a lot of you will be disappointed to hear that and I did havea bit of a play around with them but I personally feel those vehicles aren'tquite finished yet it feels like gaijin just haven't developed them enough yet Ijust can't see any way to fit them into the control scheme currently so we'll seewhere gaijin go with those for now and maybe revisit them at some pointnow that that's all out the way let's get into what you guys are really herefor so to begin with I'm gonna be going through this from a new playerperspective I did have a few complaints about this in the last video new playerswatching they didn't really have a clue what they were doing or how to get tothe advanced controls so I will be rectifying that with this video when Ido apologize for that so from a new player perspective from the hangarscreen you're just gonna want to come up here select controls and you're going tosee something that looks like this so you get into the advanced controlsyou're then going to want to press square are you playing on xbox that willbe X I then recommend clearing the default controls by pushing the leftstick in this will go ahead and wipe everything out so all the defaultcontrols will be gone and this just gives it a clean slate to work with youknow avoids any potential problems with control conflicts later on becausewar thunder does have a terrible habit of having issues with the controls sojust go ahead save yourself the trouble here and make sure you clear everythingand when you have everything cleared just make sure you in the mouse aim tablike I have selected here and I'm now going to go ahead and loadmy saved configuration back up just to make this easier to show you guys andexplain if you are you watching this all you really need to do is copy everythingdown I have here pay close attention to what I have to say because a lot of thisis going to be optional you know some of this is advanced techniques and thereare going to be various ways of setting this up depending on yourplaystyle so the first section we're reallyinterested in here is weaponry now a lot of you are going to be used to firingwith r2 either from experience in other games you know first-person shooterswhatever you guys have played in the past are just from playing with thedefault Walton the controls and to be honest even playing with my customcontrols because I did run my guns on r2 for a long while and it's notsomething to be overly concerned about but I just feel like I need to mentionthis so I've done a fair bit of testing recently and I personally feel that thedefault r2 axis for guns is adding some delay particularly whentrying to find machine guns with a light press and then moving to the full pressfor cannons I'm convinced there is some delay there and it cost me a fairfew kills so my recommendation is just to run cannons and machines guns onseperate buttons and get rid of the axis it's nothing but trouble in my opinion so Ihave mine set upon r1 and r2 here r1 fires my machine guns and r2 firesboth machine guns and cannons together now alternatively if you prefer to useyour r2 for something else such as you know the zoom or tracking you cango ahead and assign your machine guns to the right stick pressed in and just haveyour cannons on r1 so again you get rid of the axis but you still have your zoomavailable moving on we have bombs and rockets soyou guys can probably tell you know I'm not really posted any bomber gameplayand I'm really not a bomber player myself but yeah this is something that'salways requested I get asked this a lot in the comments and if I'm beingcompletely open with you guys bombs and rockets just really doesn'tfit in to my control scheme very well you have to bear inmind this control scheme was purely built for playing fighters you know likeI said at the beginning of the video the rare occasion that I do actually end uptaking a bomber out I have a wireless keyboard in front of me so Ipersonally just opt to bind the bombs to that just to make it simpler but youknow for those of you that don't have a keyboard maybe you don't have a desk forwhatever reasons I'm guessing you're gonna want to have these bound anyway soon the controller you can go ahead and bind bombs to square and you Rockets oncircle just as an example the only problem here is that Square and circlealso happens to be the your left and right as well so if you accidentallyyou're to the left for instance when you put the bombs equipped you're gonna goahead and drop your bombs which is unfortunate and it can be annoying andyou could perhaps temporarily unbind your yaw you play bombers but againit's gonna be in your mind to actually press square to yaw so you can't reallywin either way honestly guys I would just pick up a keyboard you know you'regonna get tons more bindings remember every single key on thekeyboard opens up a potential binding so you get so much more even if it's one ofthose rubbish keyboards they're the wireless bluetooth keyboards that plugsinto the bottom of your controller it's better than not at all not to mentionhaving the keyboard will allow you to respondin chat and you're gonna be able to communicate with friendlies so akeyboard is highly recommended next we have rocket salvos air-to-groundmissiles air-to-air missiles and I'm just gonna skip over this because it'sJets you know I'm guessing if you made it as far as the Jets you at least havesome knowledge of the game so you know you should be able to set this up onyour own without too much trouble I just feel it would need too muchtweaking to get these controls yet friendly if I was gonna set this up Iwould probably go back to using r2 for the machine guns and cannons on theaxis just to free up extra buttons and you could then use r1 for themissiles or as a a kind of a shift key again you also have the option of unbinding your yaw I don't believe it's used as much in jets so there's definitelysome workaround you can use then if you happen to be a jet player but for nowI'm going to leave that to you guys and hope you've got the experience toactually set this up yourself radar controls so this is something I actuallycovered very recently in a video the good news is since I did that video theradar has seen a massive overhaul in the game they fixed a lot of bugs and itworks much better now I believe the radar now enables when youspawn in so you no longer have to actually enable it every time you spawnin with a vehicle and as a result you can probably get away with just ignoringthis whole section it pretty much just works out of the box now but yeah if youwant the fully functional radar so the option to turn it on and off for just arange a lot stuff this is what I'm personally running and as far as I knowit works perfectly fine I did take the p-61 outrecently I didn't have any issues to note there so this should be fine realold guns not much really nice thing about this I have this assigned to Xplus d-pad left and that goes ahead and riedel's the guns in arcade I have youon the runway in realistic that's gonna go ahead and reload you as well movingon to the main control axis I have throttle assigned to the right stick upand down this is mostly gonna be default behavior the only adjustment I've madehere is maxing out the dead zone to prevents any accidental adjustmentsbecause I happen to use my right stick for role as well so just go ahead andcopy all this down make sure you have the relative control enabled themultiplier should be set to one and of course you want the axis assigned to theright stick up and down at the top right here when you have copied all that downgo ahead and press ok you will then get asked about adding or replacing bindingsjust make sure you press add hold for war emergency power this one is entirelyup to you depends how you play and what your preferences are so I have mine setsyou know and this basically means I can throttle at once let go of the stick andthat is going to maintain max speed with war emergency power enabled all the time rule axis we have this set up on theright stick left and right again this is mostly default behavior the only changethat's worth mentioning here is the multiplier so I've got the multiplierhere set to 2 and by doing this I've essentially doubledthe sensitivity of the rule rate and the max rule rates input is going to bereached much sooner so you know I've essentially doubled that like I see andas original I don't necessarily have to move the stick so farso again just go ahead and add that when you're asked next up we have the pictureaxis and this is really the whole point to these controlsyou know without these Max and min values you're pretty much just going tobe cannon fodder like the rest of the players so I have my Max and min valuesets u l1 and l2 the main reason have changed this is again through extensivetesting I found moving the pitch controls to one side of the controlleryou actually gain more control you're essentially dedicating the controlsurfaces to one hand and as a result you're gonna have faster response timesand you can just transition between picture up and pitch down that muchquicker I'll be going over the picture mechanics in future videos but the basicidea of the max pitch is you press and hold l1 so your pitch to plane up youkeep holding this and you're then going through a loop and as long as you'reholding l1 so you're in this loop your left stick can then be used to lookaround and the plane will not follow so long as you don't let go of l1 and thisis essentially how I play the game you know as soon as I go into any defensivemaneuvers I'm holding l1 and then really just controlling the direction of theplane with the right stick so we'll go into all that into more detail in thenext video I'll – now let's just move on so next up we have the yaw axis and thisis getting fairly complicated now so we're just like a hard with the pitchI have standard Max and min values here for your left and rightit's that squaring circle where it gets somewhat complicated to this I now havemy you're assigned to the right stick left and right as well and if you'vebeen paying attention you might realize this also happens to be where the ruleis assigned so I essentially have rule on you're on the same axis here and thisis something I've only really introduced recently to these controls it's somewhatof an advanced technique it's primarily to help with the angle fighting so thesmall amount of Rudy here helps to just speed up the rule rate and I can switchangles more efficiently if you do end up copying this down just bear in mind thenon-linearity and the multiplier here are acting as a kind of dampener so ifwe take up hit a look up here on the logical axis only around 30% input rangefrom the you're on the right stick is actually being used this is just adampener here so this is just really to prevent the plane from going into a flatspin because if we have the full range from you're here combined with the rulerate it would be extremely difficult so you control so you want this very subtleeffects from the rudder here just to aid you in the rule and that's literally allit's far moving on to mechanization we haveignite boosters again this is primarily going to be a jet mechanic although I dobelieve this activates the boosters on the wyvern as well so I've just goneahead and set this up on X plus square so I press both of those in and thosegoing to activate the boosters on the Jets or the wyvern toggle flaps so thisone is where a lot of players actually fall short with their controls so toggleflaps will generally only allow you to transition from raised to combat flapsif we go back to this instructor thing it's going to be very much speed andinstructor controlled so if you think about that computer-controlledinstructor it's actually you're controlling your flaps as well with thisoption and unless you're going slow enough for the instructor to deem safeenough it's actually going to prevent you from bringing out your takeoff ourlanding flaps and this is going to put you at somewhat of a disadvantageespecially in close dogfights where takeoff flaps can make a massivedifference remember flaps generate extra lift so you're ableto slow down and momentarily turn more efficiently by bringing out takeoff lapsor landing flaps for instance so personally I highly recommend setting upindividual flap controls for raising and lowering the flapsI know it's two bindings whereas with the toggle flaps you're only using theone but believe me is well worth it so I have mine set to d-pad left to lowerthem and d-pad right to raise them and I find that works perfectly fine for me now I've also gone ahead and moved theair brake to d-pad up just so it flows that much better with the flaps as welland it's now easier to access you know I figured how often do I really use thelanding gear in a game maybe once or twice generally when you take it off andwhen you're coming into land so it made sense to have that on the toggle with Xplus d-pad left rather than waste it on it on a proper binding like just d-padup so it just made sense to change that the way I've got it there just bear inmind if you are playing arcade when you hit reload so again reload is going tobe X plus left obviously this also is now the gear so it can activate the gearat the same time so when you reload you need to remember the tap it twiceotherwise your gear is going to be left out so just bear that in mind next up wehave the Gunners so this is going to be your Gunners on the Bombers and the oddattacker that gets a rear gunner now to set this one up we momentarily need toswitch to realistic controls so I'm going to go up here and I'm just goingto switch over to realistic this will allow us to set the X and the y axis forthe gunner reaming you know gadget in their wisdom they for some reason didnot include this in the mouth ain't up who knows how Gajan thinks but yeahanyway open up the corresponding X and y axis for the Gunners and set this upappropriately as I have additionally you may want to go ahead and adjust thesensitivities here and possibly set the gun of you to inverted so your movementswith the gunner actually match what you're doing with the joystick on-screen you and once you've got that set just switchback to the mouse named Maude again and we'll proceed to the camera controlsection so there are a few things to bear in mind heretoggle view is going to switch from a third-person view to the actual cockpitview and first-person cockpit view playing air realistic you're going to beusing this one a lot particularly at the beginning of the max you're going to beswitching into a virtual cockpit to set your climbing angle and once you getinto any action you're then going to be generally switching back to your thirdperson so I recommend getting familiar with this one it's going to be used alot tracking camera so this is the one that looks at your selected target it'snot something I use very often but it does help just to keep the situationalawareness now and again and I just have this set to the touch path so I can tapand hold to look where my selected tag is aiming mold this is the one I tend touse more than anything really and this is actually the default else.youbehavior with that you get with a stock wall from the controls and basically itwill automatically move your cursor over your target roughly so even if you losesight of your target you can essentially find them with this option here a lot ofplayers make the mistake of using this for aiming so bear in mind that defaultcontrols come sets up with this on the l2 trigger and I think it's a mistakeyou know it can work to some extent being mainly in the head-onsbut the camera angle you get with this is very awkwardmaking any kind of precise aiming extremely difficult the only time Ireally advising using this over the actual manual aimingis when you're forced into a head-on situation and there's just no other wayout get out of it otherwise I just tap this option very briefly if anythingjust to keep my target in my feel of you so I can watch what they're doing andreact to that accordingly look back so this is something I've introduced to thecontrols recently again and it just allows me to do a full 180 degree turnwith the camera so I can just look behind at that much quicker zoom axis sowe have a few options to consider here lately I prefer to have mine on anactual button press rather than the axis like I was saying with the guns itremoves any potential for delay so I'm using the max value here on my rightstick Preston and that is essentially going to toggle my Mac zoomalternatively if you do prefer to have your zoom on one of the back triggers orthe arts you access for instance or the l2 axis you can't go ahead and set thisup here everything's prefilled all you need to do is copy this down and assignthe axis and that is pretty much it for the camera bear in mind I don't use anyof you out six options here since I'm running the mouse lock activation on theX button which we'll get into towards the end of the video because that is onto the common tab so moving on to miscellaneous this is entirely optionalI have the aerobatic smoke set 2x plus doubt on the d-pad and I really only usethis when I'm in a really bad position maybe I'm outnumbered or someone justhas a massive energy advantage over me I may just pop the smoketo kind of lure them into making a mistake and hoping that I can you knowmake use of that mistake to my advantage otherwise it's kind of a useless binding instructor so this section is veryimportant I recommend setting all these suno so in war thunder we have what'sknown as the instructor and this instructor will attempt to Hart orcorrect all of our inputs so for instance also control of the airplanenear the ground this will actually restrict your movements when you get toaround 200 pizzas the idea I guess is so you prevent you from crashing but onceyou get the basic feel for the game you're more than capable of manuallycorrects in 90% of these crashes having this set to one is really only going tohinder your turning ability a performance since you will be constantlyfighting against it so my advice just set all of these to no aiming again endof the extremely important section this is essentially the option thatconfigures your stick as the maozim so I have mine set up on the left stick andthat allows me to move the cursor around on screen if we open up the accessoptions I've adjusted my dead zone to zero so I'm just getting the maximumresponse time out of my joystick now depending how census while you on yourjoystick is you may need to increase this to prevent any unwanted movementthe same can be said if you have twitchy hands maybe you've had too much coffeeyou know your hands are shaky just go ahead set a slight dead zone here and itwill generally help otherwise just really on the lowest setting you arecomfortable with Mouse smoothing so this is one I really can't decide whetherit's doing anything for us playing on a controller if there is any effects I amjust not seeing it so you can pretty much just ignore that one just make sureyou set it to no because honestly if it is actually doing anything all the lastthing we want is our inputs being smooth out because it's just another instructorkind of thing moving on to the sensitivity settings wehave three options here and these are generally again I'm going to be down toyour personal preference what you prefer I'll just give you a quick rundown ofthe options here so you get the basic idea so an acceleration is going to be akind of aim assist it slows down the inputs so the moment you press the stickat the moment you move the stick the inputs are going to slowly be sped upand i've known as the acceleration side the only thing worth noting is theacceleration is going to be time-based so any input you make on the joystickyou have around 20 milliseconds before it's sped up and the acceleration delayis essentially how you can't control that delay there so the time-basedacceleration is controlled with the acceleration delayI believe 50% is around 20 milliseconds and you can just either higher or lowerdepending on your preference and then we have controller camera sensitivity sothis one is your overall game sensitivity I like to run either 75 or100 percent anywhere in between that is generally going to be fine you justdon't want to go too low obviously if you go too low you're gonna be it reallygonna be too slow to actually do anything so my recommendation don't goany lower than 75% if you do have trouble keeping your cursor stable oneset up I used to run was 75% acceleration 85% delay and 100% over allcame control sensitivity so that may help yeah I'm burning 25 10 and 75percent currently moving on to the common tab so go aheadand switch over to the comments up here there are just a few more bindings to gothrough here for the plane controls and we're gonna be finished then so we havethe tactical mapped on the d-pad down button this one is very important thatyou assign it is something that's gonna be easy to access and so you're gonna beconstantly checking the mapping game likewise with the statistics again thisis something you need to be checking very often in game since it will tellyou how many players are going to be left in the game how many players you'repotentially facing so you need to be aware of that and constantly checking itI have minus signs u X plus d-pad right it's not necessarily easy to access butit's why I'm used to leave the vehicle not something you would like to be usingvery often but it can be useful for the endgame let's say you're the lust welllet's say the last player on the enemy team is a bomberyou know they've climbed literally to the moon more or less through 20, 000feet something ridiculous you know there's no chance you're gonna get up tothem and the best thing you can do in this situationprovided you have a plane that can equip bombs is just head back to the base landrepair bailout and provided you have this leave the vehicle option bound hereyou can then bail out the plane and you're able to respawn back in with abomb equipped again provided your plane can actually carry bombs and you canthen use this to your advantage you know you can go ahead drop it on a base takeout some vehicles and that can actually make the difference in the tickets andon the rare occasion it will also force the bomber down because you know they'reup there trying to win the game and if you're starting to train the ticketsthey may just come down and you may be able to get the win from nowsurprisingly the bailiffs on the room way is not something a lot of playersknow about so you may have also learned something there so again I have mine onX plus left on the d-pad show the states of the vehicle modules again it's notsomething you're going to be using very often but it can be handy in certainsituations so when you take a hit to the engine for instance you can go aheadpress this and you'll actually be able to see any damage it gives you anindication of the kind of damage you're taken and use this to assess assesswhether you need to return to base and repair so I have this on d-pad left I'lljust hold that down and it shows me the damaged lock target so this one isextremely important playing on the controller if we think back to thetarget camera and the aim assist on the earlier page the one way it looked atthe plane both of these options rely on an actual target being pre-selected soit's crucial you get into the hobby of selecting targets and again you reallyneed something you need this on something that's very easy to access Ihave mine bounced to the left stick Preston that's why I used 2 a.
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